CBS apologizes for offending veterans after using the wreckage of a US B-52 Bomber shot down in 1972 as a prop on the Amazing Race while filming in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The Amazing Race cluelessly paraded their contestants on national television in front of the fuselage ridden crash site of an American B-52 bomber shot down in Hanoi during the war. Thenetwork apology read something like this, “Whoops – our bad – our production crews are all under thirty and tragically hip! They just forgot thatAmerican veterans who served in Vietnam may still be alive. I mean it was so long ago.” Ok, that wasn’t it exactly, but you probably get the picture.
Now, the newest diss against our uniformed men and women comes from a St. Louis liberal columnist (Bill McClellan) who is proposing a new and innovative way to help President Obama rid the country of our $16-trillion debt – get rid of the Honor Guard at military funerals. Oh, wait, the writer does have one standard exemption to the rule – if you happen to be killed in combat, then you’re worthy enough for an honorable nod from the government. The rest of the military? Ahh, not so much. Veterans wounded in combat? Fuhgett about it – heal up and use your GI Bill – that’ll set the record straight.
Read the conclusion of my article here....