Nidal Hasan has proven himself to be the worst employee to come out of the U.S in the past decade. The so-called radicalized U.S. Army psychologist shot 13 service members dead, including an unborn child, and wounded 32 more at the Fort Hood Texas military base back in 2009. Many count the crime as the first real terrorist attack since 9/11, but the White House and the Pentagon have continued to fight that it be labeled “workplace violence” despite numerous connections to radical Islam.
As Hasan was arrested shortly after his alleged pre-meditated infidel attack, our employee of the decade is still getting paid the big bucks to rot in jail while awaiting his trial. The total cash he has accumulated so far in the name of Allah – a whopping $278,000 buck-a-roos – or in liberal terms – the equivalent of 55,600 Starbucks Latte’s – double shot of course. Keep in mind, that’s does not including his free healthcare and living expenses.
Yet ironically, Obama’s workplace related classification for the Fort Hood attacks have prevented the living victims and families of those killed from collecting any sort of combat benefits befitting to a soldier wounded or killed in the line of duty. That also includes denying them benefits similar to those given to the victims and families of the 9/11 World Trade Center Attack.
On the third anniversary of the attack the 148 victims and family members filed suit seeking 750 million dollars in damages, naming in it, then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta claiming gross negligence, among other claims. Their ultimate goal is to try and change the workplace categorization to terrorist attack.