"Don't Touch my Junk" and Other Holiday Mantras
12.8.10 Talk about a great Secret Santa Gift for that weird guy at the office who you just know is a big perv.
12.8.10 Talk about a great Secret Santa Gift for that weird guy at the office who you just know is a big perv.

Nancy Pelosi,Jihad and Why I Never Wore Polyester
11.11.10 There was a reason for that question Mr. President, leader of the free world.
11.11.10 There was a reason for that question Mr. President, leader of the free world.

Military Voters Dissed by Big Government
10.21.10 With the DOJ dragging its feet, you'd think the ACLU would pick up the slack, but it's obvious they're not interested.
10.21.10 With the DOJ dragging its feet, you'd think the ACLU would pick up the slack, but it's obvious they're not interested.

The New York City Insiders Guide For Tourists, by Mahmoud "Denny" Ahmadinejad
10.3.10Some highlights from "Denny's" six day six night whirlwind tour of New York City. Try all of his suggestions or just pick out your favorites.

Ground Zero Imam Apologizes to Americans for 9/11. NOT.
9.16.10Rauf would have gained so much ground, but is too caught up with his plan of Islamic domination to notice.

The Ground Zero Mosque and the 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge
8.30.10"I went from job site to job site asking people if they would work on the mosque." The most common answer Andy heard: "Hell no, not if I was starving."

Republicans, Democrats and the Great Divide

Stoning, Honor Killings, and Lady Gaga
7.21.10 Muslim nations not only disrespect female empowerment, they fear it, punish it and try to destroy it.

McChrystal was a Rolling Stone

Flotilla, Schmotilla

Muslims return to scene of the crime?

Borderline Insanity
5.19.10 Do you keep bending the law like we have been doing for the past 20 years? Well, Arizonans said no.

Tea Party is the New Dirty Word: Part 2
or Tea Baggers Caused the NYC Bomb Plot

Tea Party is the New Dirty Word: Part I

The Slippery Slope for Obama and Big Oil

The Hurt Locker and the Hollywood Circle Jerk

Olympic Edition: Toddlers and Tiaras

One Bill Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

KSM Trial: The Farcical

Massachusetts Lemon Law Allows For Obama Trade-In

Postcard To Never Never Land
© 2013 Lipstick Conservative