A couple of months ago I wrote an article about the Chick-fil-A controversy. In the article I used what I like to call “my sarcastic wit” to illustrate a slippery slope of folks being publicly identified for their political views. My outlandish example?- red and blue stickers put on mailboxes to delineate someone’s political affiliation. The idea was that once a person was publicly outed, it could eventually lead to harassment, bullying or intimidation by anyone with opposite viewpoints.
Little did I know that I was given the ability to read the future for Christmas. It seems that in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting, (which I believe has been most horrific event for the nation to witness since 9/11) it seems my prediction has come true. I mention this fortune telling only because I happen to live in the area where it took place.
As most of you may have heard, in some warped response to the shooting, a local Hudson Valley newspaper- which I also write articles for indirectly believe it or not- decided to publish the names and addresses of every legal gun owner in two suburban counties just north of New York City and roughly 30 miles away from Newtown. And this was not just any list….Big Brother, excuse me, I mean the Journal News, pinpointed the exact locations on Google maps with complete disregard for the personal safety of those identified. And while the newspaper smugly held up their middle finger and tried to shame law abiding citizens for exercising their rights to bear arms, thousands of police officers, retired and active, corrections officers, domestic violence victims, along with their families were suddenly on display for the criminals to see.
Want to hear how it turned out?
READ full article here