I could spend the next 5 minutes of your time listing all the ways in which the liberal media took weeks to get on the bandwagon and start questioning the Obama administration on its failures of security that so obviously led to the murder of Libyan ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, including the obvious cover up and video blame game, but I won’t.
I believe those of you paying attention to ALL the news outlets have already been following the State Departments’ breadcrumb laden trail of inadequacy and deceit with incredulous bewilderment. And those readers who are taking a ‘wait and see’ attitude on Benghazi-gate and believe this is just a political ruse concocted by the Republicans to make Obama look bad in the weeks before the election are just as delusional as Hillary Clinton is to think she will ever become the first female President of the United States after this.
Secondly, Mr President, to use your high and mighty quote from the 3rd debate – I’M OFFENDED, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE OFFENDED.