Watch me on The BlazeTV 's Wilkow!
discussing Women in Combat with hubby Terry Schappert
**Read my lastest Lipstick articles on
As the oldest known Holocaust surviorr Alice Herz-Sommer died Sunday at age 110, I can't help but remember my emotional visit to the Jewish Museum and Cemetary of Prague where she was from. It effected me so much, I even wrote about it then.
A Journey to Prague & the Lessons of Genocide
My lastst blog:
**read my latest post: Usama is Dead: The Hangover
DADT Repealed = Army Strong.
Are Your Sure?
1.31.11 You take an oath to serve your country, not yourself.
Are Your Sure?
Stay Tuned!
lip·stick con·serv·a·tive 1 part Hip New York Chick + 1 part Special Forces Wife
con·serv·a·tive [kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] –noun
A supporter of conservative political policies.
A supporter of conservative political policies.
lip·stick (lĭp'stĭk') –noun
A small stick of waxy lip coloring enclosed in a cylindrical case.
A small stick of waxy lip coloring enclosed in a cylindrical case.
lipstick conservative.
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